pre launch sale for LIVING YOUR LEGACY
Combining features from all my e-books into a physical book is a labor of love to my extended kindred. This is a pre-launch sequence that will entitle you to updates as work progresses and the physical hard copy upon publication in October. Book delivery will requite that you indicate a physical address when the time arrives.
Will be published Oct 15, 2023.
If you buy this first module now, you will receive sample work and be updated regularly.
In the interim, watch this promotional copy for evolving updates.
A project to combine the best of my e-books into a published hard copy book. Ancient survival of lore tells us that controlled and vulnerable technology can disappear on a whim of political agendas or the ravages of time.
The title contains "living" rather than 'leaving' a legacy because you still have life to live and aren't leaving. Grow and prosper and that is how your progeny will advance as a legacy.
The subtitle 'Wittenberg-Hendricksen' could be used in my case but yours will be just as unique and individualized. An extended kindred is the natural sovereignty of a real people. Media/ standardized social controls are not real people. More about our defensive measures in a hostile world later because the focus shouldn't be on what we are against but rather on what we are FOR.
I will try to start with the living memory of ancestors as I knew them and some of the sagas I heard about them. Our rites of remembrance and respect often have a 'toasts' of respect given to people. The ancient sumble of archaic times had this feature. Differing from the modernist perspective, there is another element called a 'boast' where it is perfectly natural to express one's own contribution to our kindred society. That is why I will not cancel my personal momentum in the process because it is instructive and the whole 'eliminating the ego' as an absolute precepts thing comes from an alien culture. Both one's personal success and admissions of coming up short are instructive.
A hard copy physical book in process.
This is a love story. To find that kind of good fortune can be overlooked in phases of growing and struggle. But there is always a subconscious knowledge of what it took in sacrifice and attention to detail that created fortunate circumstances. This book is not about Ancestry dot com details of exact dates (although some may appear) but rather a living trajectory of narrative adventure in the Saga tradition. We tell stories and we are the progression of a story.
This appears to be about a specific family of my good fortune. But I can already hear you thinking that you have your own special place in the solar and hyper-celestial realms of living. If not, this book will show you how to find that. The principles and real nutrition of the content here is about how you each have your on place in the events and orbits of Infinite Intelligence, and I want to make sure you join me in accelerating and utilizing that phenomenon.
My vision is that many of my family kindred have these pages for reminders and reference. My extended vision is that it also serves a need to the general public who want to regain sovereign living.
More promotional content because I enjoy the process. This will probably be in the book eventually. Writing it now because the creative process keeps me alive. Big bonus would be knowing int helps you also.
For an immediate exploration of "Living Your Legacy: Creating Your Family Stronghold" here is an introductory blog post. Includes my own family memory with winning principles. The essay section has a feature called, "The Mystery of Your Higher Self" and I want to expand from there.
Watch this space for more updates.
You have experienced times where your world feels rich and right. Life synchronizes and creates more meaningful events. This state cannot be described with mere words. We know this as 'ineffable. There is a positive response from living well. That is the nature of the Mystery.
We seek the numinous which is our only sure source of successful living.
“Numinous” as a word of the spiritual presence becoming manifest first given its present use by the German theologian and philosopher Rudolph Otto in his book, "The Idea of the Holy" (1917) which is often used for reference among runic practitioners, myself included.
Let’s describe Numinous as “a beneficial and awe-inspiring state that is spiritual, mysterious, divine and appealing to higher aesthetic emotions. Awareness in the best sense.”
Some men have mastered how to maintain this continuous contact. You already have clues about the 'how' from what you were doing in times that activated this Presence. But in our daily lives we can't always recall or recreate that situation. Time for reading or time for prayer or time to just appreciate what's around you might be rare. We are attentive to the action at hand and sometimes recognize that the programmed action of society seems opposed to our attentive making time for what's good.
My path for making time (and resisting the opposition) is a runic path. Notice I did not say "runes". The Mystery represented and signaled by those ancient angular symbols is only understood with some guidance from ancient lore and living teachers. Some of us don’t capitalize ‘rune’ because those ideograms are only fractals of a central sacredness that is capitalized in the guiding power of ‘Runa.’ The runic path is to seek improvement in every aspect of life represented by the purpose of each rune.
Runes are angular symbols that were mostly carved rather than written. They had SIGNIFICANCE whether for ideographic magical purposes or phonetic language purposes. There are Norse, English, and German versions.
Proficiency with historical and authentic interpretation of runes is essential on the runic path.
You are about to awaken your ancient ancestors in your DNA today.
You are from a long line of people. Whether they met the angular carving of runes or not, your ancestors used the principles of successful living through the influence of subconscious or SuperConscious powers. The runic path will bring you meaning, enrichment, and joy. The state of joy and mastery must be responsive toward the inevitable challenges and paradoxes we will meet in life. A challenge is that we are given the means to win and we must be more responsible to use those means. A paradox is that men must trust in their own “might and main” (physical and spiritual presence) while recognizing that the best source of guidance is the greater Cosmic source. Some of my recent ancestors wouldn’t know a rune if they saw one. My grandparents and parents were like that yet I sometimes use their ethics and faith to describe runes anyway.
I'm about to describe ways of enacting the benefits of the central Mystery on the runic path that you could duplicate and improve with your own unique creative intuition. A practical way of learning is to understand and honor Tradition before using your rightful innovation. Having said that, your Tradition might not be the same as mine. Look to your ancestors.
Among survivors, and especially among thrivers, lessons passed along from the winners will constitute much of this book. Watch for those real life lessons as demonstrated through generations. What follows immediately here are my own experiences as a Cosmic descendant who aspired within his own domain. I'm more the mystic student rather than the business artist homesteader, or rancher from the economic fields. There will still be powerful principles in the following recommendations :
Recommended ways to engage your Higher Self. Not excessively ritualed. Your Higher Self knows your dedication and intention.
- READ BOOKS THAT INSPIRE YOU. Do this with books and articles in your own best environment. Intellectual inspiration within Nature and positive creative surroundings act in a way that engages what has been called both hemispheres of the mind. Right brain left brain stuff. This coincides with the mythic dynamic of Odin's two ravens Huginn and Muninn. Some soul aspects are mind/hugr and memory/minni which when operating in harmony create contact with the Wode. The Wode is an inspired state.
How to engage your Huginn and Munnin to create the third mind Wode is something I teach.
2. BE THE PRIMORDIAL BEING. This is yourself before recorded history and into the far future. These steps aren't in any particular order but maybe this should be first. Know that you are of a Primordial existence qualified for this to enjoy and implement who you are. This is , of course, best done in the highest spiritual resonance that you can engage with. In a very ancient religious philosophy (which will be looked at in advanced material) there is the Good, Better, and Best when aligning with the Creator. Strive for the Best. Or in terms of the spirit of this essay - - enjoy the Best. Good & Better & Best will be compared in my advanced teaching that compares Indo-European Myth with Zoroastian concepts.
3. VISUALIZE YOUR POWER. Yes there is an effective visualized and felt ritual which is reminiscent of training in runic attention. No need to be stylized or formal for this. I know this sounds new-agey but try it in a relaxed way. See yourself surrounded by a globe of Light which signifies total protection. See points of light around the perimeter of the globe and also a powerful symbol at the four directions, below, above, and at the center. The points of light around the outside of the globe allow your intentions to be projected outward and they allow benign communications from outside to inform you. This is a completely safe space which also allows communication and engagement with the Best sources. These points of Light can be 24, 16, 18, or 33 in number. The 33 points would actually be 32 with a 33rd in the center. Some will notice that the numbers coincide with the Elder, Younger, Armanen, and Northumbrian Futharks. It's up to you.
4. DEVELOP PHYSICAL STRENGTH, MOBILITY AND HEALTH. No expensive tools or training are required. Highly recommended that you use guidelines by expert trainers but if you can't start today just start doing something. Stretch, lift, exercise in ways that feel good and hold your interest.
(for expert and ethically harmonious aspects of physical training, please look up the works of Alexander J. A. Cortez.
5. WATCH FOR SIGNIFICANT SYNCHRONICITIES. You will find people who can help you grow. We are by the design of Heaven at different stages of development in expressing the True Source. You will know leaders by how they correspond to your Highest aspirations.
6. DON'T SETTLE. CONTINUE TO LEARN. The first 'system' that claims to have all the answers is not a place to land. Maybe you have already found the Way if you are among the fortunate ones. Maybe you have a different kind of fortune where you can continue to find interesting ideas.
7. PRAYER. I’ve mentioned the need for accepting the paradox of men who trust in their own Might and Main knowing that there is a Cosmic Source who men of power trust.
In Old Norse this is “trúa á mátt sinn ok megin”
Men who live by their own might and main.
A concept of men who thrived during harsh times. "Megin" describes the mystic or psychological power that augmented physical strength.
Prayer is an intentional motive from the best of spirit. The words for prayer will seem different because they are from a less familiar language but the spirit goes to family, friends, and community with the Highest aspirations. In rune studies you will find words like ‘Galdor’ that apply to the process.
We are reclaiming what is ours.
The authentic mystic does not expect any diety to do it all for him. That is the difference between an Odinist and an Odian. The Odinist worships a deity to implore. The Odian emulates the way of Odin in an insatiable quest for useful knowledge toward victory.
For an authentic approach to a runic and Cosmic connection to Traditional value please see my works on Gumroad. “Cosmic” is a theme that was consistently with me through over 50 years of seeking the Truth. I found it in religious science of my Christian heritage, and decades of dedication to a particular Buddhist perspective. The Cosmic was there when I returned to the West via the Far North. You have always been guided by the Cosmic. There you will find a loyal and true respect for those who present an accurate and powerful dynamic of true work.
I also have blogs that sometimes format these books in a more aesthetic way. Feel free to reach out to me and I’ll see if I can send them to you. Thanks for reading
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Among my readers, there are very few broken people who are starting over from scratch. I recognize all of you as accomplished and aware Psychonauts.
Among my people there were always those who were especially good at overcoming negative events and not letting victimology overtake their conviction to win. Winning will look like a pleasing product to ship to others.
What do you do when you take on a positive project and then lapse into extreme negativity? As are my recent day days on this project
Among my people there were role models who were adept at overcoming setbacks. That I've characterized my setbacks as more severe than theirs means that nobody can fully know the obstacles that hit others. When a man or woman make a fast recovery, I no longer assume that it was easy. Principles of victory in spite of negative conditions are a matter of Will and faith in conjunction. This might seem like a paradox, but it is not. If the will is authentic it is of the God Force which had been perceived with faith. Inspired imagination is indeed the key here, because success must be imagined and then acted upon.
Limitations to perceptual imagination mean we take too much stock in the standardized citizens of a society that is not even ours. Think of "From the line of your ancestors back to the beginning" as found “Ibn Fadlan's Travel-Report: As It Concerns the Scandinavian Rüs” as translated by Stephen E. Flowers (1990.) Also on the screen as “The 13th Warrior.”
A man of knowledge showed me a narrative of traditional culture that shows we are never alone.
Svipdagr and Menglöð.
The Rewards of Loving Rede
Lessons in living a legacy can arrive through fortune in mythic story that intercedes in spite of mundane disheartenment. Among my people, the Havamal lay of The Poetic Edda is well-known but a less-well known, agreement in SVIPDAGSMOL also speaks of eternal family-building. Svipdag's true mother is determined beyond the grave to help her son win against evil opposition. Spipdag must also meet with Mengloth, his lover.
From this Edda :
Groa spake:
4. "Long is the way, | long must thou wander,
But long is love as well;
Thou mayst find, perchance, | what thou fain wouldst have,
If the fates their favor will give."
Becoming disheartened is a stumbling block. Patience and faith would have served many men well in yesteryear. I am among them. Stay true to your purpose
The instructive failures of my life have all been because I fell short of the imaginative faith that I saw in role models. I'm thinking of how my father met with disaster from an ambitious project that left him short of making a balloon payment. From a state of apparent defeat, I could sense the faith and energy that welled up around Dad as he used his past experience with hauling Chrstmas trees to open a tree lot on his new storefront property. Income was secured long enough to rent out his Bobcat for more income. Then another move to a more competitive area resulted in 35 years of successful antique and second hand business.
If my harping on 'the power of positive thinking becomes a bit much, we also have additional archaic narratives that make useful adjustments.
Living YtOur Legacy Promottional copy.
A word of caution here which I hope you will not need. Some readers will have established a home and heritage situation that enriches your offspring. Certainly in terms of role models and ooperational fields of love and caring. ou have exceeded my fondest memories and aspirations in building a family tribe. The word of caution I offer is for those who feel they dropped the ball in terms of transmittable assets. Be diligent but don't obsess. As said before, live well for your purpose today with a sense that passion and art are the greatest gifts you can pass along. Your descendants. will notice and they will profit in their own living principles.
Don't fall into the trap I am in of living with regret that I did not pass along the empire that others (andmyself) worked so hard for.
My nephews have come into their own with their own destiny and their own commitment to living for their children in a creative way. Their lives are all I could have asked for as a coninuance of family imfluence. Sure I would have liked to pass along the lake property, a thriving business, and a sturdy ranch home. Don't dwell on it. Have faith and gumption that your significant family has acess to the same Will of Heaven that you do.
It is said that telling a true story has more power than mere advice or instruction. Some stories contain that kind of rede (which is a mystic advice that appears often in saga. A reminder to myself here to include some rede that will help us both.
My recent interdimensional theory as a metaphysical model is found on this blog is something I will comment on in this promotional content.
If you are using such metaphysicatl resonant imagery as I'm using in my description of the Afterlife (in coninuity) as I'm using in my Interdimensional mountain lake living program on the posted blog, be ready for vivid and relevant dreams. This will be extremely personal and pertinent. Mine is so much so that I should not reveal details here. This dimensional contact you may have will be comforting, instructive, and powerful. I'm not writing this guide to Living Your Legacy with the intention of presenting practical esoteric exercises. You will discover the context of your remembrance and honoring kindred will be entirely your own, and from your your own frame of reference.
My recent interdimensional theory as a metaphycsical model is found on theis blog is something I will comment on in this promotional content.
I'm still hoping to have the physical book available in late October.
Living YOur Legacy Promotional copy.
A word of caution here which I hope you will not neeed. Some readers will have established a home and hertiage situation that enriches your offspring. Certainly in terms of role models and ooperational fields of love and caring. ou have exceeded my fondest memories and aspirations in building a family tribe. The word of cauthion I offer is for those who feel they dropped the ball in terms of transmittable assets. BE diligent but don't obsess. As Ive said before, to live wellfor your purpose today with a sense of passion and art is the greatest gift you can pass along. YOur descendants will notice and they will profit in their own living principles.
Don't fall into the trap I am in of living with regret that I did not pass along the empire that others and myself) worked so hard for.
My nephews have come into their own with their own destiny and their own commitment to living for their children in a creative way. Their lives are all I could have asked for as a contintance of family imfluence. Sure I would have liked to pass along the lake property, a thriving business, and a sturdy ranch home. Don't dwell on it. Have faith and gumption that your significant family has acesss to the same Will of Heaven that you do.
I knew every bend the pine tree and why it had that bend to grow around the trailer hitch of the 19950s trailer. I knew every rock in the bay that would support a man with a pail for water. The dock posts had been cut and installled by my father and I. In the distant cove, I remembered finding the round tipi rings of the previous settlers. Arrow heads on the high cliff over the rolling bay.
Kinickiknick on soil that was richer where my parents tossed their coffee grounds.
Thoughts of where I could get the $5 million required to gain the property again and pass it along led me to a life coach. He said to leave a legacy would be something for me of reflect upon for the answer. Which I did. Reflection said I would never make the $5 milliion. The legacy would be something to live rather than leave. Descended indred would need to have memories of the gumption and kind nature of their great-grandparents. They would need to principles to gain such success again for themselves.
A tale of far remembrance: I took an Edred Thorsson bookfor meditation while ate my ancestral land. I concentrated on two runes a day until RUNA engaged. Missed my people. Thunder and lightning roared and cracked all around that struck the cabin. In The clear air in the orning I was given a spirit song. Knew my kindred would always be with me. Ancient ways are the heart of keeping current times. But I had dropped the ball. The land would go to others. Don't grieve, keep it going. Reconnect in the deepest ways possible.
A lost homeland inspires a way back with the 'Living YOur Legacy' pre launch product.
For this $10 price you will recieve introductory module and the the entire $20 product that will be shipped October 15 2023