All four books in this Erulian power series. Only $15 for a limited time. Some of you already have one or more books but this also gives you the modules of updates. The 33 rune Northumbrian Futhorc seems like it needs to be in proximity to the 24 rune Elder Futhark "Guidebook to Runestaves" for a more complete reference.
Most Elder Futhark work is also informed by the Old English Rune Poem, so that works. Here is the order of Futharks that appear in the modules of this product offering :
Book One : Elder Futhark "Guidebook to Runestaves"
Book Two "Armanen Runes."
Book Three "Younger Futhark."
Book Four "Northumbrian Runes."
This would be called "Level Four" using the program desciptions on the previous books.
When engaged in a curriculum like this, we launch into escape velocity. Away from standardized despair. The agenda of a political machination becomes irrelevant. Ancestral and future trajectory is our sovereign realm. The way back is the way forward until the fading modernist agenda no longer exists.
"It is after all possible that the truth, or the right approach to truth, has been found in a remote past and forgotten for centuries." Attributed to Leo Strauss when speaking of his work about Martin Heidegger.
You will see several levels on the rune books listed on my profile page. THIS BOOK HAS THEM ALL AND IT IS ALL YOU WILL NEED.
Of course, get the resource book recommendations when you are able. Especially worthwhile would be to subscribe to the Stephen E. Flowers substack series.
With this one HYPERBOREAN SERIES book you wll get 7 modules for a comprehensive program of runic advancement:
1. Northumbrian Runes which is the evolutionary culmination of the runic epoch. Not about the past, but what you can accomplish moving forward.
2. The Elder Futhark Guidebook to Runestaves in 4 modules
A. Introduction and First Aett
B. Second Aett. Runes 9-13
C. Runes 14 - 24
D. Divination Resource
3. Armanen Runes. The very esoteric and culturally powerful expression of Guido von List as continued in development by cosmic rune practitioners.
4. The Younger Futhark. The true historical and powerful runes of the Viking era.
The personal and cultural potency of semiotic rune practice will connect you to what you are meant to be. This will take effort and ambition because we are meant to develop our spiritual and physical strength through growing into our best versions of those who emulate the great God connection. We have teachers and role models like Wodanhaz, Vidharr, Balder, and Thor. Our women are in essential nature the expressions of Frigga, Freya, and Sif. You may have other favorites in the pantheon.
Yet it is Wodan, who we know from over 170 appropriate names, that is the primary Rune Master. Runes as represented by the the direction of Odin do not exclude any significant area of life. Runic practice enhances all areas of prosperity, love, kindred connections and mystic perceptions of areas of eternal being.
An in-depth study of runes and the actual engagement creates a paradigm of alternative reality that should have been our cultural reality in the first place. We might have lost our abilities for a time but that is why runes were passed along to us as a code for re-connection. The goal with an intense cultural study like THE FOUR FUTHARK SERIES is to become Jarl and Konungr. Heimdall is the teacher for Jarl and Konungr. For an account of this in the Poetic Edda poem of "Rigsthula" see the trajectory here
My thanks to all of you who have encouraged and supported my Four Futhark project through the years!