Legacy of a determined optimist who survived Soviet invasion, killing pits and gulags. His legacy in America was genuine interest in people, kindness, and master craftsmanship.
I had hoped to write the definitive positive book about success principles learned in his craft and overcoming obstacles. But the times today are reminiscent of the Soviet clampdown on free Latvians. It is said by people smarter than myself that "war is coming."
I still think we can overcome the war trajectory. If we can't, then there are principles innate and learned by my uncle Kris which will help us now. We can maintain our Higher Natures while preparing to win war and prosper when it is over.
One principle is that with insight, prayer, and attention to purpose, we can prosper in every respect during the war. Kris would say in his accent and syntax, "Better to not have war. Live and win if must. Still, best make most of peace and work hard."