A biopsychic potential for where our innate abilities could have taken our communication technology. A crash of my computer and internet world meant that I had to take seriously work that had started decades sooner, before the electro-digital materialist domination of technology. The resources and skills of technology were devoted to what we have today as computer and internet reality. How would our worlds look if we had devoted as much intent and resources to our Spirit and paranormal nature?
This is a look at some anecdotal and experiential efforts in the past age of Cosmic tech. My own efforts and the genius of other leaders in the field are featured.
I added some bonus content that concerns the Afterlife and interdimensional contact. The focus on life should be on the here and now. Yet our relationships continue across space and time to participate with us right now.
Belief systems can support or override what what we intend to accomplish. That is an aspect of the John C. Lilly quote. Within my intended frame of reference is an optimistic respect for the First Principles of what it means to apply the trajectory of the Spiritual direction.
“In the province of the mind, what one
believes to be true is true or becomes
true, within certain limits to be found
experientially and experimentally. These
limits are further beliefs to be transcended.
In the mind there are no limits.” John C. Lilly
An increase in your psychic ability is only a side benefit. Full appreciation of your beneficial constant contact with Source is more consistent than psychic events.
We look at some movers and shakers in Remote Viewing and full artistic living.
There is no parting from my usual reference to Futhark runes and Germanic mythos. If it about life and Consciousness, it is about runes. Some runic techniques are included.
An addition to the theme overview in December 2022 :
Events in the Flow have led me to consider again the importance of Cosmic Spirit Tech. The tone was originally apologetic that I do not have computer skills or resources but adamantly convinced there is a better way. From IRL memory of a selected and better past I connected to the Divine Mind Tech that will create a better future that can be experienced today.
I will continue to create on this theme using Gumroad features. Some of these observations and operational techniques will appear on the ad copy page like this. Some will appear as additional features in the book. If you ready purchased Cosmic Spirit Tech or if you purchase it now, you will still have access to the added modules.
This will be refined to a featured module after I post preliminary thoughts to guide important features. This will appear in the ad copy you are reading for a limited time.
A quote here of an article by Kevin Kelly from the Optimists Edge feature on Warp News
“Pre-visualize success”
“It is extremely difficult to create a desirable future without first envisioning it. To imagine is really the first step in creating anything. Therefore an essential chore for making a future we want to live in, is to imagine what it is like and how we get there. That plausible path is a form of optimism. Believing it is possible makes it more likely to happen. When hurdles and setbacks arise -- and they will -- the belief in its possibility serves as motivation. History is filled with accounts of people who held an optimistic belief others thought unlikely, or even impossible. This optimistic previsualization is a necessary component of change. Since we can not be certain of the future, optimism is only a belief -- a stance that could be incorrect. On the surface, an optimistic belief might seem no more valid than the stance of pessimism. But the deep history of new ideas makes it very clear that the optimistic stance of believing something is possible is a requirement to make anything new real, and is thus more powerful than pessimism. In the long run, optimists shape the future.”
I’m going to run with that on my theme of Cybernetic Optimism.
A transmission of optimism as a guided opportunity from Source can reach the individual and the milieu in which he lives. This is the proven/experiential theory of reciprocity of man and his environment. I could call it 'esho funi' from my Lotus Sutra Budhhist days, but it is found across the world. A simultaneous manifestation of the total world of living is the essential nature of subjective and objective worlds. This can also be seen in the Observer Effect in Quantum mechanics. You have only to decide upon a visionary trajectory, be strong enough to take the inevitable resistance, and take action accordingly.
But watch for the artificial peer hipness pressurized expression of a strong negative resistance. Hip nihilism has always graveled my craw. At first, when admonished, I granted these more intelligent and more charismatic men a certain respect and my compliant agreement. Trajectories of results taught me otherwise. It is good to be me with the fortunate access that I have to the best.
"To be a good ancestor one must assume that good things can be forwarded."
Kevin Kelly
To appreciate Spirit Tech one must understand Cybernetics. Man is guided by a goal seeking mechanism that is steered innately toward direction and course correction. The computer machine has been modeled on the human brain function, not the other way around. In any case there is more to us than the defined mechanisms of the brain with synapsis, neurons, dendrites and particular encased functions. The energetic function of consciousness has been proven to exist independently from the physical brain. A noted brain surgeon has experience with that. See the works of Eben Alexander.
The call of optimism or positive thinking is the living emanation or pulse that placed us in the best places we are today. Someday I'll be big enough not to mention the resistance factor of the past and the opponents to winning. They are now vanquished anyway. To truly recognize where the valid optimisms are leading, the insignificance of those among losers who were placed on a pedestal must become a moot point. Why do I mention it? To not let it happen again and to not let it happen to young people.
A truly great optimist who is in the positive lifestream would grant the past opposition their place in the transformed life, here or beyond, their own unique victory and good living. Why not ? I made some pretty goofy wrong turns myself. That which guides me in a better way also guides those among my people who I might have not recognized at the time.
Cybernetics is a self-correcting system. When one drifts off 'target' or destination, adjustments are made in the trajectory and in the information that guides. To learn Cybernetic technology requires hardware and software resources that have been manufactured. Or creating this from scratch would show alignment to the original pioneers. Somebody had to build the first prototypes. Those who stuck with it on the business and marketing side became rich.
I don't propose reinventing the wheel because I'm not the tinkering type. Those who are could use their own craftsmanship. My interest is not in physical electro technology anyway. Spirit Tech uses your own operational bio-psychic features in an advanced way.
Imagination is the key. I've studied and valued the practice of meditation for perceiving an ineffable and healthy value. It seems preparatory to optimistic value creation in visualization linkage to building a coherent cybernetic feature. The designed resonant region constructed as a bio-temple or console around the immediate frame of the body and astral region is up to your particular preference. For some like myself a ring of runes with protective and receptive symbols can be built. Imagination is an evolutionary reality so don't dismiss it as 'merely.' Use it as a hardware for your software installation according to your best personal and tribal interests. By including 'tribal' we are negating any glitches that might arrive through a temporary personal disconnection.
About your natural right to use powerful imagination. See "Lost Knowledge of the Imagination" by Gary Lachman. Mr. Lachman is a respected scholar of Cosmic research who was also the bass player and creator in a Band called Blondie and was creative in that New York music scene. He is a winner. He knows imagination.
A salient factor for me among the many gems in Lachman's book is that when meditating on a truth we are actively engaging in creating what we observe. The imagination is constructive of the observer effect.
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There will be a new module in the Cosmic Spirit Tech book. You are reading some of it right now in this promotional copy, Ii you don't wish to purchase the book, It's okay because this work is fun for me. The new module is something I feel strongly about so I appreciate that anyone is reading this.
The Cybernetic era and the acceleration today.
In 1968 when most counter-culture reading material was dictated by Communist agencies (SDS) or mandatory nihilism, Whole Earth Catalog was a wish book and ordering format for Cybernetics as represented by Norbert Weiner, Gregory Bateson or engineering by R.Buckminster Fuller. Among these delicious alternatives to defeated nihilism was "Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.
I did not order the Psycho-Cybernetics book from Whole Earth Catalog, but knew I should appreciate the chance to read it when it arrived by chance at my parent’s coffee table.
Published in 1960, have the subsequent years seen any improvement in the concepts of this book? No. Advancements through dedication of smart people in consciousness and self-image research, yes.
I'm including some thoughts on this landmark book because the identifying field of Cybernetic philosophy relates to developing the bio-psychic alternatives (or corollaries) to the dominant machine resource of today. The entire field that accelerated during that era is something I try to re-create in my "Cosmic Catalog" start up. If you've seen my catalog, you've seen my post of the THE COSMIC CATALOG PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS AWARD.
Awarded to the best current resonance and advancement of the book by Maxwell Maltz. The magnificent curriculum of Whole Earth Catalog introduced the ad copy to me in pages that included Norbert Wiener, and R. Buckmisnter Fuller. I later found the actual book through coincidental good counseling. How work reaches us is a story in the dynamics of success in our lives.
The heart of the work is still reaching us through the efforts and enthused dedication of some people I admire. Their work is independent of previous authors and from their own engaged understanding.
Candidates are:
Chance Lunceford
Graeme Smith
Justin C. Scott
Matt Furey (martial artist and president of The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation)
The Fury
Dylan Madden
And the winner is ......
All of them. This is not a contest. It's a Cosmic collaboration.
We will be discussing more of the Cybernetics approach to technology as it relates to the bio-psychic premise. Psycho-Cybernetics is a classic from 1960 but it continues to be vital among new readers. I hope to include some of the tech science like the 1994 “Inductive Learning Algorithms For Complex Systems Modelling'' by H.R Madala and A.G. Ivakhnenko. I know that 1994 is a long time ago in terms of AI developments but I require some foundational education.
This is being described on Cosmic Spirit Tech because man is not a machine. But Cybernetics models the goal seeking and steering mechanism of the machine created by man that is modeled on the human brain. Not the other way around. Advanced science also tells us that man is also more than a brain. See the works of Eben Alexander, who is a brain surgeon and scientist, about this concept which is a reality.
The bio-psychic content is NOT a simulation. It is a useful representation.
January 28, 20223
The bio-psychic resonance of our relationship to The Big Picture allows us to enter the controversial fray of Artificial Intelligence. The controversial aspect is the Simulation Theory and a potential for a singularity of electro-digital tech that overrules our position as sovereign agents of reality. Add to this the already strong feature of an editorial bias in AI Chat and we have a technical intelligence that creates root assumptions and penalties against the individual and turalcul best interests.
With a Big Picture view of the vast superiority of Cosmic Spirit we can participate and master our place in AI. Cultural and personal goals can be engaged with confidence in our eventual (and ongoing) triumph in using technology with competence.
Return to practices of meditation, yoga, and metaphysics are essential tools of our becoming more. I don't know all your techniques for Spiritual resonance and authenticity but you do and are finding more when needed. Trust in allowing others to be themselves is essential.